Paralegal Studies 课程

这些列表来自课程网,有些课程可能不是每个学期都提供. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 咨询 or refer to the current 课程表 and College 目录.

PLGL 30 - Introduction to Paralegal Studies    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程将向学生介绍律师助理的职责和义务. It will provide an overview of the paralegal profession, including the paralegal's role in the delivery of legal services.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Ability to summarize, compare and analyze the basics of paralegal work, 熟悉民事和刑事法庭制度,了解相关法律术语.
  2. 研究, interpret and analyze various sources of law, different types of evidence, and apply to legal 调查s, 面试, and pleading documents.
  3. Understand billing, timekeeping and other law office procedures, as well as overall office management.

PLGL 31 - Legal Writing and 研究    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程旨在使学生熟悉法律研究和写作的基础知识. Students will learn how to locate, analyze and cite to federal and state cases, 法规, 宪法, and secondary sources. 教学内容包括如何利用印刷材料和网络资源. 学生将准备展示法律推理的案例摘要, proper punctuation, grammar and clarity of expression.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 对比并解释书面专业沟通的区别, oral presentations, and legal memorandum including pleadings, 三角裤, 和动作.
  2. 解释如何引用各种法律权威,以及如何使用电子资源(如LexisNexis或Westlaw)进行示范和关键引用.
  3. 理解和解释各种法律权威中包含的规则,以及如何将它们应用于各种事实模式, as well as prepare and brief a moderately complex legal case.

PLGL 32 - Litigation and Civil Procedure    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程介绍诉讼程序和律师助理的作用. It will include the process and procedures related to litigation, 包括律师助理在审前和审判过程中的具体职责.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 对诉讼程序有一个基本的了解——它的起源, 结构和机构-使学生能够在法律领域作为律师助理工作.
  2. 加强学生分析事实和法律的能力,并有说服力地支持辩护或发现文件的证据/论证.
  3. 了解各种发现机制及其适当用法, 并适用韦德1946通过发现程序获得的信息的可采性的规则.
  4. 研究任何司法管辖区的法律问题,并引用适当的权威机构和法律资料.
  5. Describe key elements of various civil pleadings, i.e. complaints, answers, 和动作.
  6. 描述与诉讼程序有关的审判程序的基本规则和证据的基本规则.

PLGL 33 - Computer Application and E-Discovery for Paralegals    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程介绍了法律职业中律师助理对技术的使用. 学生将熟悉律师事务所使用的硬件和软件,并将探索最新版本的常用程序,如Microsoft®Word, Excel®, and PowerPoint®, as well as specialized legal applications. 学生将被指导在法律专业技术的道德考虑.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 解释律师助理在法律环境中运用技术的作用,包括:文字处理和文件汇编, 电子表格, database management, law office management, case management and litigation support.
  2. 在律师事务所展示对计算机技术的理解以及计算机硬件和软件的使用.
  3. 能够理解并运用律师事务所的各种计算机软件.
  4. 解释使用并展示计算机辅助法律研究的能力.

PLGL 34 - Professional Responsibility and Ethics    ( 3.00 -单位)

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 识别, analyze and apply the California Rules of Professional Conduct, the American Bar Association Model Rules of Conduct, and rules of conduct applicable in other jurisdictions.
  2. Understand and apply the attorney-client privilege process, 包括律师助理确定哪些客户信息应列为机密信息以及机密客户信息可能以何种方式披露的方式.
  3. Understand the ethical role of a paralegal in factual 调查, including 研究ing sources of law, locating and interviewing witnesses, assistance with depositions, interrogatories, and document production, checking legal citations, and drafting correspondence.

PLGL 35 - Advanced Legal Writing and 研究    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程的目的是建立在法律写作和研究发展的技能. This course will provide a more in-depth, advanced understanding of legal writing, 研究, proper citation format, and preparation of legal documents.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 识别和执行主要和次要来源的法律研究,并将重要的决定应用于相关的事实模式.
  2. 理解并准备各种法律环境中使用的文件草稿,并为律师提供支持, 包括法律备忘录和诉讼文件等投诉, interrogatories, and discovery materials.
  3. Enhance and hone efficient writing and editing skills, 包括分析和概念化法律问题,构建法律论据和文件.

PLGL 36 - Contract Law    ( 3.00 -单位)
As part of the Paralegal Program, 本课程将探讨合同法的基本要素, including the principals of formation, 协议, and consideration. Students will also learn contract interpretation, the necessary elements for creating legally enforceable contracts, and breach and remedies.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 识别, analyze and apply various sources of contract law, including common law, statutory law (both state and federal), 判例法, and the Uniform Commercial Code.
  2. 识别和分析事实模式和合同因错误等理由而被视为无效的情况, 胁迫, statute of frauds and determine possible defenses.
  3. 了解和应用合同救济规则的各种事实模式,并分析潜在的法院命令的救济.

PLGL 37 - Tort Law    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of tort law, including intentional torts, 疏忽, 侵权行为, strict liability, personal injury, mental distress, as well as commonly employed defenses. 本课程将帮助你完成24单元的律师助理学习证书的要求.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 识别, 分析和适用于故意侵权行为范畴的规则, including defamation, misrepresentation, and malicious prosecution.
  2. 识别, understand and summarize appropriate defenses to tort allegations, including contributory and comparative 疏忽, as well as assumption of risk.
  3. 识别 and analyze specialized torts, including economic torts, special duties owed, and allegations pertaining to product liability law.

ADMJ 60 - Criminal Law    ( 3.00个单位)
本课程分析了美国的刑事责任原则和危害人身罪的分类, 财产, 道德, and public welfare. Emphasis is placed on the classification of crime, elements of particular crimes, and defenses to crime. 本课程利用判例法和案例研究向学生介绍刑法,并将包括对起诉和辩护决策的一些有限讨论, criminal culpability, and defenses to crime.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 确定不同类别的犯罪和主要危害人身罪的要素, 财产, the justice system, 国家;
  2. 讨论, 描述, 并阐述了刑法的主要渊源以及美国刑法和刑罚限制的原因.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights;
  3. Know the laws of arrest.