Noncredit FAQ

一般来说,学分课程是为对学习感兴趣的学生设计的 大学学分可以获得副学士学位、证书或转到四年制大学 college or university.  参加学分课程的学生获得a级, B, C, D or F) at the end of the semester or term.

非学分课程是为那些想要获得一般知识和学习的学生准备的 一项新的技能,升级现有的技能,丰富自己对一个话题的理解,或者 develop personal interests. 非学分课程是免学费的,对学生没有影响 GPA.   非学分课程也是加强学分课程学习的一种方式.  Upon 完成一门非学分课程,学生可能会获得及格(P),不及格 (NP) or Satisfactory Progress (SP).  Some noncredit classes do assign standard letter grades (A, B, C, D, or F).

非学分课程不适用于副学士学位,成就证书 or certificate of accomplishment.  Upon completion of a series of required noncredit 在课程中,学生可以获得非学分的结业证书或能力证书.
Anyone 18 years of age or older.  Students holding F1/F2 and B1/B2 Visas are not allowed to enroll in noncredit classes.  High school and Regional Occupation Program (ROP) 学生可以从教学中受益,并得到他们的上级和上级的许可 学区或ROP,以及他们的家长/监护人也可以参加.  High school students 符合此类别的学生必须遵循并行注册程序.
非学分课程帮助学生提高英语或数学水平, 提高识字率和工作技能,支持接受高等教育和进步 employability.
Yes. 非学分课程和获得的证书将被记录在官方成绩单上 transcript. 非学分成绩单在学分结束后的另一页上 transcript.
不,你的夏伯特学院学生识别号码(w#)对所有夏伯特都是一样的 College classes. 

是的,学生只有在成功提交后才能在线注册非学分课程 an admission application to Chabot College.  Once admitted, students may register 通过学生在线门户网站CLASS-Web在线学习非学分课程.

学生可以在查伯特学院找到按学科领域列出的非学分课程 Searchable Class Schedule. Noncredit class and program descriptions may be found in the Chabot College Catalog.

Yes!  只要学生在查伯特学院的学术成绩良好,他们就可以 同时选修学分和非学分课程.
Grades are not required in noncredit classes.  However, instructors may decide to 奖励成绩(A, B, C, D或F)或及格(P),不及格(NP)或满意的进展 (SP) to students.  合格证书确实要求学生通过 program have a specific level of competency.  Review specific details of each class or program by reviewing the Chabot College Catalog.
一些非学分课程每学期有17周的课程.  However, other noncredit classes meet for a specific number of days or weeks.  Consult the Chabot College Class Schedule for specific details about class scheduling.
No.  联邦财政援助不适用于非学分课程.  The California 大学承诺助学金(学费减免)不适用于非学分课程,因为课程 are tuition free.  学生负责购买所需的课本, 用品、工具、设备、制服和强制性学生费用.  Financial aid is 不能协助支付这些项目和费用,也不能支付任何其他相关费用.
每个证书课程都是不同的,需要特定的课程顺序 and/or level of competency.  这些信息可以在查伯特学院目录中找到.
Yes! Students may repeat a noncredit class without limitation.
非学分课程可能有其他非学分课程作为先决条件,具体取决于课程 content and curriculum design.  Some credit classes may have noncredit classes as prerequisites for enrollment.  Consult the individual class or program description 有关非学分和学分课程先决条件的具体细节,请参阅 Chabot College Catalog or Class Schedule.
大多数非学分课程不需要分班或评估测试,而且 are chosen through guided self-placement.  However, some Noncredit English as a Second 语言(ESL)课程可能需要一个评估测试,以适当的安置.  Review 每个班级的详细描述,请查阅查伯特学院目录或班级 Schedule.
No, noncredit classes are not transferable. 
一些短期职业培训项目可能会得到行业合作伙伴的认可.  Consult 查伯特学院目录,了解更多韦德1946特定非学分证书的信息 of completion.
这取决于学生的可用性和非学分课程的可用性 being offered.  不是所有的非学分课程都是每学期开设的.
如果需要教科书,是的,学生负责购买教科书 for the noncredit class. However, many noncredit courses use zero-cost materials or have books available for student use. 
是的,学生有责任支付费用,包括但不限于学生本人 health fee and student representation fee.  Other fees may apply.
Students should contact