
这些列表来自课程网,有些课程可能不是每个学期都提供. For additional information, contact the academic department, speak with 咨询 或者参考电流 课程表 and College 目录.

ARCH 2A - Architectural Graphics in Drawing and Sketching    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍徒手和机械构造图纸采用正字法, 轴测和线性透视绘图系统,以表示二维表面上的三维形式和环境. 强调基本的绘图习惯,其含义和应用的理解.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 设计和沟通解决方案,介绍环境设计问题,通过各种媒体进行展示.
  2. Develop architectural and freehand drawing skills
  3. 利用拼写, 轴侧, 斜, and linear perspective to present existing and imagined form.

ARCH 2B - Architectural Graphics in Color Rendering    ( 3.00 -单位)
延续建筑学2A中介绍的内容和问题,以及应用阴影的理论和方法, 反射, 材料, 随行人员, and color in a variety of drawing types. 组合图的布局和整合,以支持建筑设计的过程和呈现.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1.  设计和沟通解决方案,介绍环境设计问题,通过各种媒体进行展示.
  2. 进一步的设计, 组织, 并通过各种媒体进行展示,传达环境设计问题的解决方案.
  3. Further develop architectural and freehand drawing skills

ARCH 3 - Digital Tools for Design and Visual Communication    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to digital tools with computer-aided design drafting. Ability to effectively use basic design 原则 in two dimensions. Topics include command basics including drawing entity creation and modification, 行业分层标准, text and dimensioning systems appropriate to architecture, 创建符号库, 外部参考技术, 模型和纸张空间命令, 以及绘图技巧.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Identify hardware uses and limitations appropriate to Computer-援助ed Design Drafting.
  2. Select appropriate scale in multiple views and plots.
  3. 使用数字软件绘制图纸,并对图纸进行外部参考文件和图像的校对.
  4. Focus on AIA (American Institute of Architects) Standard Layer System.
  5. Select appropriate scale in multiple views and plots.

ARCH 4A - Architectural Drafting Principles I    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to 原则 and practice of architectural drafting with emphasis on working drawings for wood frame construction; introduction to drafting concepts and conventions for architectural working drawings, 基本建筑系统, and architectural applications of computer-aided drafting technology.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Identify fundamental elements of residential structural, 电, 机械, and plumbing system and their application in construction documents.
  2. 识别AIA(美国建筑师协会)规定的计算机辅助制图标准中的复制选项和系统
  3. 将基本的统一建筑规范要求纳入住宅建筑图纸.
  4. 使用行业惯例完成住宅木结构的施工图.

ARCH 4B - Architectural Drafting Principles II    ( 3.00 -单位)
建筑4A的延续,重点是木结构非住宅建筑的建筑施工图, 砌筑, 钢和混凝土结构. 先进的计算机辅助制图技术在建筑施工文件中的应用将会被回顾, as will the use of electronic/web-based information sources, including Architectural Graphic Standards, 糖果目录, 以及统一建筑规范.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. demonstrate ability to use Uniform 建筑 Code to non-residential projects,
  2. identify and execute critical details for non-residential 建筑s,
  3. 利用电脑辅助草拟及互联网资源编制非住宅建筑文件,
  4. use industry conventions to complete working drawings for small 砌筑, 钢, 混凝土, 木结构结构.

ARCH 8B - Fundamentals of Architectural Design II    ( 4.00 -单位)
Continuation of the content and issues introduced in 体系结构 8A. Emphasis on generating and developing design concepts, 结合结构, 材料, and energy considerations as determination of form. Emphasis on applied traditional and digital graphic communications tools, including scale models to convey intended concepts and meanings.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. apply knowledge of structural potential and limitations as a design factor;
  2. 确定场地因素, 文化 values and anthropocentric needs of occupants in architectural design;
  3. 操纵建筑元素来定义形式和空间,以支持预期的意义和概念的交流;
  4. 使用传统和数字图形和模型构建技术来研究设计策略.

ARCH 8A - Fundamentals of Architectural Design I    ( 4.00 -单位)
理论简介, 原则, and methods of architectural design using traditional and digital media. 工作室项目强调组成二维和三维组织来传达预期的概念和意义. 审美, 环境, 社会, and technological factors which inform architectural design are investigated. Course work is supplemented with lectures, discussions, and readings.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. express proposed design concepts graphically, with study models, and verbally;
  2. incorporate theory, fundamental 原则 and techniques to design;
  3. manipulate and apply digital images, illustrations and 3-dimensional models to the process of architectural design;
  4. 使用二维和三维构图图和设计元素来解决给定的建筑问题.

ARCH 12 - Construction Materials and Methods    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍当代和历史建筑施工中使用的方法和材料. 木, 钢, 砌筑, and 混凝土 structural systems will be explored, as will major interior and exterior finish systems. 将审查占用和建筑类型之间的关系以及建筑规范的影响, 气候, 劳动力供给, 经济因素.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. describe major structural systems using wood, 钢, 砌筑, and 混凝土;
  2. identify and evaluate various interior and exterior finish systems;
  3. identify and explain the 行为, appearance, and use of 建筑 材料;
  4. understand how 建筑 材料 are categorized by 建筑 industries.

ARCH 14 - California 体系结构 and Urban Design    ( 3.00 -单位)
加州建筑和城市设计从土著开始到当代前卫. 历史, 文化, 以及环境对塑造加州独特建筑和城市的影响. 被审查的作品包括从匿名的土坯到梅贝克和摩根的历史杰作,再到盖里的新作品, 莫斯, 和其他人.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. compare the major architectural styles from the Classic to the Postmodern, 因为它们与加州有关;
  2. describe planning fundamentals and how they affect architecture and city design;
  3. 识别加州领先的建筑师和城市设计师的工作和设计原则.

ARCH 16 - People and Environmental Design    ( 3.00 -单位)
景观建筑的原则,强调与场地相关的设计概念, 建筑, 以及客户需求. 包括场地分析,土地利用模式,循环,布局,种植材料,灌溉. 一般的设计过程和结果是在人与环境之间的关系的背景下进行检查的, 自然的和人为的, with focus on sustainable design 原则 applied to passive 环境 control, 景观, 功能性适应, 社会及经济影响, integrating their influences in community development and urban planning.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Demonstrate basic landscape design 原则 and theories.
  2. Develop basic technical knowledge about landscapes.
  3. Develop collaborative skills through group problem solving.

ARCH 33 - Digital Communication in Modeling    ( 3.00 -单位)
Introduction to 3-dimensional digital modeling using 3-dimensional software. 强调学习基本命令,以创建三维对象,包括建筑内部和外部, and defining photo-realistic views with appropriate light sources.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Create and modify objects by using 3-D software tools.
  2. Define and apply surface styles that appropriately represent 材料.
  3. 演示3d软件在建筑设计和展示中的应用范围.
  4. Specify views that communicate the form and spatial qualities.

ARCH 80 - Architectural Education and Practice    ( 2.00 -单位)
建筑学院认可的与学生的建筑专业或建筑课程相关的建筑系的建筑教育和实践. 学生与导师或建筑公司主管之间的合作努力,以完成商定的工作目标, complete projects and broaden experiences. 学生在学期内提供服务经验或项目工作证明. 学生将获得建筑学院批准的建筑公司或与导师密切合作的项目. 学生将与建筑讲师会面,以获得有关建筑公司结构的输入和实践经验讲座和讨论, 项目程序, 设计的发展, specification book and construction documents.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 将在课堂上学到的技能应用到建筑公司,在那里这些技能可以得到展示.
  2. 应用教育能力, 成熟度, 个性, 行为, 对工作的态度, 人际关系, and identify areas where changes may be required.
  3. Develop understanding of career opportunities, 工作要求, 雇主的期望, and promotional requirements in an architecture company setting.
  4. 通过建立和实现与建筑职业相关的学习和绩效目标,展示增强的管理技能.