

体系结构 & 室内设计 Department Coordinator/Chair of 体系结构 和 Interior 设计

艾德里安黄黄伟 is a Coordinator 和 Chair of 体系结构 和 室内设计 Departments at “大学 where he teaches varieties of 设计 Studios, Building Information 建模, 数字图形通信, 施工文件, 人/环境/可持续设计, 和 施工材料及方法.

体系结构 is the process of rendering professional business in connection with 社会其他人.  体系结构 involves both the process 和 product of planning, designing 和 constructing the forms, spaces 和 environment that reflect its function, technical, social, 和 aesthetic appreciation.

Prior to 教学 at “大学, Professor Huang practiced 体系结构 in the field for more than 25 years, he had his own design studio, he also taught classes in California State University, Hayward 和 several Colleges in the Bay area.  He received his 体系结构 degree from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 和 University of California, Berkeley.  他还持有证书 Project Management, LEED 和 AutoDesk University

In addition to his duties at “大学, Professor Huang strongly believes in “learn-by-doing” education, he associates 和 very actives with many professional organization such as AIA, USGBC, ASID, NKBA 和 PMI. 他的日程安排很紧凑 as a Judge of many national 和 regional 设计 Competitions. 


保罗•楚 体系结构 & 室内设计

保罗·楚保罗·楚是 adjunct faculty with the 体系结构 program at “大学 for over 42 years. Although he has taught a variety of architecture courses ranging from freeh和 和 technical drawings to sustainable environment design, his passion remains in 教学 freeh和 drawing as applied to architectural studies.

Freeh和 drawing seems to be an increasingly neglected skill development for design students as its role is being challenged nowadays when seductive graphic software can deliver photo-realistic representations with little effort by the human h和. He advocates that while digital software is a valued tool for efficient processing of pre-programmed outcomes, h和 drawings is a valued skill in complement.

H和 sketching is the foundation for design creativity. 它可以同时 visualization of technical 和 emotive design ideas to be shared real time to provoke further debates towards developing options 和 solution refinements. 他的教学 explicates that such drawings are not just end products but are activities of the thought process in architectural design. 

Mr. 楚 is a California registered architect, specialized in campus planning, research facilities 法医工作.  He holds a Master of 体系结构 degree from University of California 伯克利分校. His recent retirement as the Campus Architect at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory allows him a flexible schedule to continue the enjoyment in sharing his knowledge 和 experience with aspiring architecture students.



莎拉Cravy,建筑系 & 室内设计

莎拉Cravy萨拉·克雷维是一位 助理教授​ in the 体系结构 和 室内设计 Departments of “大学, where she teaches Architectural Graphics, Lighting 设计 和 Kitchen & 浴室的设计.

Sarah is a California Licensed Architect, 和 uses 15 years of experience in project management 和 design to bring projects from the initial conceptual design through the production of final permit documents. She obtains building 和 planning approvals from city, county, 和 state departments. Sarah holds an MBA from Golden Gate University 和 a BArch from the University of Houston; she's also a LEED Green Associate.


小河Joshi、建筑 & 室内设计

小河Joshi小河Joshi joined the faculty at “大学 in 2020 和 teaches the following classes: History of Interiors, California 体系结构 和 Urban 设计, Materials 和 资源 和 Principles of 室内设计. Anjana获得了内政硕士学位 设计 from the Academy of Art, San Francisco in 1993 和 passed the NCIDQ in 1996.

她有 taught at Cañada College in Redwood City since 1998. 在此之前,她教书 at Broome Community College in Binghamton, NY 和 the Academy of Art in San Francisco.



Isil Calak、建筑 & 室内设计

Isil CalakIsil Calak不止 十年 教学 建筑经验 项目. 她有 developed, coordinated 和 instructed courses 允许 students to explore new forms of interactions of architecture, culture 和 environment. She facilitated workshops, organized talks, seminars 和 participated in international architecture contests 和 design biennials. 随着她的教育生涯,she also practiced in the industry simultaneously 和 worked for several design offices in Istanbul,TR.加州的库比蒂诺和伯克利.

她也是志愿者 for California Preservation 基金会 as an educational committee leader 她在哪里为他们提供支持 有益的活动.

她有 a PhD in architecture 和 her research areas encompasses diversity, inclusion 和 belonging (DIB) in higher education, collective memory 和 urban space.